Representation Matters!

Representation. Every single human being deserves to see somebody who looks like them in movies, books, commercials, and toys. Unfortunately for far too long that has not been the case. People of all races, abilities, body types, genders, religions, etc. need to be represented in what we watch, read, and play with. Recently we are…

Why does Ivy have a feeding tube?

It’s feeding tube awareness week – something I was so unaware of two years ago. Oh how this sweet girl has opened my eyes! I’ll be sharing about Ivy’s feeding tube all week so if you have a specific question, drop it in the comments! **Why does Ivy have a feeding tube?**  This is the…

A shift in perspective…

Over Christmas, my 4 year old Eli got sick. We took him to the doctor where they stuck a swab up his nose (which he was of course thrilled about) and diagnosed him with Influenza B. This virus brought 6 days of very high fever which left Eli pretty miserable. Adults know that sleep helps…

Things I never want to forget…

I’ve been thinking that this should be a repeated post. Not sure how often, because clearly not the best at keeping up with things over here (though I’m trying!). There are so many things my kids do and say that I never want to forget, and by writing them down they will be memorialized! In…

Ivy’s Health Journey – Part 3

Remember when I said I’d be so good about keeping the blog updated… yahhhh… So jumping back to November of 2018… By some miracle, we were able to keep Ivy healthy for six weeks during cold and flu season while we waiting for surgery. We were blessed by so many helpful family and friends that…