Words Matter.

Defect.  If you just sit with that word a minute, what images does it bring up? I’m guessing they aren’t the prettiest pictures.  Defect. Defective. Those words mean imperfect. Faulty. Wrong. They aren’t neutral words. In fact they are quite negative.  But that is a word that we use when talking about brand new lives…

Holding her with open hands…

I remember when we brought Zoe home from the hospital at 3 days old. It didn’t seem like we should be allowed to just walk out with this tiny human, fully responsible for her life. I put her bassinet next to my bed and woke up several times each night, frantically feeling to make sure…

Ivy’s Health Journey – Part 1

I haven’t been very good about updating the blog over the past couple of months! My goal is to chronicle our experience having a child with Down syndrome. The past several months since Ivy’s birth has been a big learning curve for me, trying to balance being a mom of three, working full time, and…

My Story

I am one of those people who had her life planned out at age ten. Become a teacher, get married, have kids. And life pretty much followed. I went to Hope College, became a teacher in Allendale, married Sam, and had two kids – Zoe and Eli. Last summer, Sam and I decided it was…

Birth Story – Part 2

“For you created my inmost being;  you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14 Ivy came with one push at 1:19 pm on July 5th, 2018. She cried immediately and was able to be put right on my chest. After…

Birth Story – Part 1

It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to write… I’ll blame that on the newborn currently sleeping on my chest! As you’re all aware, our sweet Ivy is here and as I’m a sucker for a good birth story, I thought I’d write hers here. I’m including all the details (mostly for myself), so feel…