Words Matter.

Defect.  If you just sit with that word a minute, what images does it bring up? I’m guessing they aren’t the prettiest pictures.  Defect. Defective. Those words mean imperfect. Faulty. Wrong. They aren’t neutral words. In fact they are quite negative.  But that is a word that we use when talking about brand new lives…

Down Syndrome Awareness Month…

Imagine a world where we didn’t need to have this month. Where a diagnosis of Down syndrome came with a big CONGRATULATIONS instead of I’m sorry and maybe you shouldn’t continue the pregnancy. Where the worth of people with Down syndrome was never questioned. Where they were supported and given all the therapies and medical…

The Luckiest

They caught my eye as I was putting my bananas in a bag. Walking hand in hand they meandered through the produce section. One, an older woman with graying hair and gentle wrinkles. The other, a short young woman with almond shaped eyes that absorbed everything around her. They walked slowly, not in any hurry….

Why having a child with a disability is like competing in the Olympics…

Olympic competitors walk an exciting, hard, intense road. They often start training when they are very young. Some choose their sport, some say their sport chose them. Some even have their sport chosen by their parents or government. To become the best, they train for countless hours, year after year. They have coaches, trainers, doctors,…

What my daughter with Down syndrome has taught me…

When we think of ourselves as parents, one of our main jobs is teaching. We teach our children to dress themselves and tie their shoes. We teach them how to be kind and polite. At some point in our parenting journey, we realize that we are learning too. As a mom to a sweet almost…

Have the Conversation…

A couple months ago, something happened when I took my kids to the park. It was an experience that I have lived from another side. Experiencing it from this side, from the side of a special needs mama, it broke me. When I posted about it on social media, I learned that I was not…

Ivy’s Health Journey – Part 2

We had so much fun becoming a family of 5 over the summer. Besides being slow to gain weight, Ivy was doing well. She was so tiny and snuggly and I loved every minute of being her mom! Excuse me while I add too many pictures before I keep going with the story… In September,…

World Down Syndrome Day!

The date tomorrow is 3/21… World Down Syndrome Day! This day is officially acknowledged by the United Nations as a day to celebrate, educate, and advocate for individuals with Down syndrome. This particular date was chosen because it signifies the 3 copies of the 21st chromosome that people with Down syndrome have. People celebrate in…

Ivy’s Health Journey – Part 1

I haven’t been very good about updating the blog over the past couple of months! My goal is to chronicle our experience having a child with Down syndrome. The past several months since Ivy’s birth has been a big learning curve for me, trying to balance being a mom of three, working full time, and…